Artificial Intelligence Page 15
The hologram was solemn. “God be with you.”
Present day:
The Hunter entered the great room of the Communicator. The man who was normally projected as a hologram sat alone, staring out the grand windows that made up an entire wall of his office.
The Communicator spoke without turning around. “Did you set up the portal?”
“I did.”
There was a brief moment of silence while The Hunter came and stood at the wall of windows also. Together they watched their stars. The community down below. The hovering dots of light that signaled their airborne travel system.
“What did you find?” The Communicator's voice was a whisper. “I know your moods, and this somber attitude cannot be good.”
“Most of the travelers were slaughtered.”
“What?” The Communicator turned his head sharply.
But The Hunter still stared out the window.
“They called our females witches. While they were able to blend in with the clothing we assigned, it was suspicious that so many had amnesia and did not have any previous memories. Panic shifted into frenzy and it grew from there.”
“But witches? That is good, is it not? Why would they have been slaughtered?”
“Apparently, on Earth witches do not have the same revered status they do here. There, they were feared. They were believed to be devil worshipers. Instead of being healers, they were said to cast witchcraft.”
The Communicator's mouth fell open. “They still believe the devil exists?”
“The religion of the people where they landed did. A lot of others around the planet believe the same thing. It may have been better if we had sent them a bit earlier, because the more primitive people who had lived in that location prior gave thanks to the environment. They worshiped the land, the air. They did not believe in the devil. We could have changed Earth's history by sending our females a bit earlier. However, luck of the draw chose one hundred and fifty years ago, when Salem, Massachusetts was already dominated by Puritans. Mass hysteria ensued.”
“We are not to change history,” The Communicator murmured softly. Automatically, almost. But his next words belied his horror. “How many were slaughtered?”
“Ninety-five. However, history has changed the figure to reflect a lot less. Human history tends to smooth over vile acts. The primitives that had lived in the land earlier? They are now called Native Americans. Today they celebrate a holiday as a treaty between the two populations of humans, when in fact they slaughtered the entire community to confiscate their land.”
“The remaining few of ours who survived?”
“They have bred,” The Hunter said. “We do have a handful of descendants on the planet.”
“One small success,” whispered The Communicator. “The descendants are healthy?”
“Yes, our DNA has merged successfully with the native species of Earth. Our ship has monitored a scant handful over the centuries.”
“Then it is time for contact.” He cut his eyes to The Hunter finally. “You will be best for the job. You have been on the crew, gathering the info on the species. I know you have been hunting for a long time. Are you ready for something different?”
The Hunter widened his eyes. “It is not something I had thought about.”
“It will open you up to be one of the first settlers on the new, safe Earth. First in line to find your own mate and have a chance at being part of a family. It is a small reward for your years of servitude to protecting others.”
Dante the Hunter bowed his head.
Shared By Wolves
Ellie watched in shocked, horrified disbelief.
Suddenly, the wolf turned to her. They stared at each other warily.
If possible, regret seemed to come from the monster’s eyes. “Ellie,” the mutated voice rasped. “M-mate…”
The full moon illuminated Ellie completely. Shock flooded her body, freezing her limbs. Her dilated green eyes met the matching green of the monster. Although her consciousness refused to believe it, there was only one other with eyes so like her own. Before the creature could advance to her, she collapsed into a dead faint.
* * * * *
Ever-so slowly, the insane world stopped spinning. Ellie’s wrists were tied together gently, the end of the rope wrapped up to the magnificent headboard of the enormous bed.
“Are you okay?” a familiar voice asked. A tender hand stroked the hair from her face.
“Jonathan? What happened?” she asked, hoping against all reason that she’d imagined the whole thing. Yet her wrists tied together hinted otherwise.
“Ellie, I’m sorry. But you’re better off this way, you know.”
“Which way, Jonathan? What’s going on?”
“He means with me, Ellie. You’re better off as my mate than Reed’s wife.” Duggan’s voice was harsh, coming from the far side of the room where he was hidden in the shadows. And still inhumanly deep.
Mate? Oh, Lord, it couldn’t be true. Had Duggan really changed into a monster before her eyes and attacked Brian? Was Brian dead?
“I don’t want to be your mate. Untie me. I want to go home.” She lashed out angrily, panicked fear making her brave.
“I can’t let you, Ellie,” the distorted voice repeated from the corner.
She turned to Jonathan, refusing to glance back there. “Jonathan, get me out of here.”
“Oh, Ellie. I can’t.” Jonathan's voice was resigned. “You see, Duggan’s my brother. My older brother. He’s the alpha.”
Ellie felt her stomach heave. “You mean, you’re also a-a…”
“I’m a werewolf, Ellie.”
She flinched from his stroking fingers, and Jonathan let his hand drop.
He turned his hurt-filled his eyes toward her. “I’m sorry, Ellie. You’ll get used to it. I promise.”
She didn’t answer and felt Jonathan’s weight leave the bed. She clenched her eyes tightly, opening them only when she heard the dim light click off, followed by the sound of the door closing.
She hadn’t counted on the monster Duggan still being there. He advanced slowly, a predator stalking his prey. Ellie was never more aware of being helplessly tied to the bed.
Suddenly, she was relieved it was pitch black. Would Duggan still be in his monster form? Is that why his voice was harsher and deeper? She knew the answer when he reached out and traced a line down the front of her body, from her neckline to her pubic bone. His fingernail was sharp, like a knife or a claw. Inhuman. She shivered at the thought of what he might look like.
“You weren’t very nice to Jonathan,” he rasped slowly.
He definitely was still a monster.
“He’s been your friend for a very long time,” he continued.
She held still, her heart racing in fear beneath those long fingers, her breath nearly choking her as it fought its way from her throat.
“Are you frightened of me? Or disappointed in Jonathan?” he whispered in his husky voice.
“Both,” she said, cautiously. Afraid to provoke him.
“It’s a different way of life, one that you’ll get used to. I’m sending him back in to you. You’ll have a brief break from my presence. But don’t get too excited, Ellie. You are mine and I take what’s mine.”
She jumped when a large hand grazed the inner part of her thigh. It felt…odd, emanating heat in a strangely comforting manner. The hand moved suddenly. One stroke of his fingernail had sliced her clothing clean through, causing the fabric to separate down the split. Air chilled across her bare skin. She was naked and exposed to his view.
A trail of warmth stroked her torso. Warm, wet, and oddly reassuring, even though it came from a monster’s mouth. He licked a direct line slowly down her middle, from the neckline between her breasts, all the way to where the thatch of red curls began. Directly where his fingernail had sliced her clothing moments before.
The air in the room thickened. Duggan was now breathing as harshly as she was. Her heart thu
ndered. Astonished, she recognized his arousal. Adrenaline surged through her body, making her arms and legs tingle. Ready to fight.
Or get aroused herself.
But suddenly, he was gone.
Jonathan entered a few minutes later. He approached the bed silently, carrying a candle for dim light. He set it on the table and untied her bound wrists. She grabbed the two halves of her clothing and pulled them together with shaking hands, but it was too late. Jonathan saw everything.
“It’s okay. He just marked you, Ellie. With his saliva. We can all smell his scent on you. No one will tangle with Duggan. You’re safe until it wears off. By that time, he’ll have marked you more. He’s protecting you.”
“Protecting me? By tying me up? Killing my husband? Scaring me half to death?”
“Ellie, he doesn’t understand how you are. Werewolf females are ferocious, dangerous. A dog-eat-dog world. Humans are fragile, weak in comparison. You’re more fragile than most, with your upbringing. He doesn’t have a clue. Here, let me help you.”
Jonathan held out a silky nightgown that she’d never seen before. Her arms were stiff and sore from being in one position for so long. Jonathan calmly pushed the tattered clothing from her body and slipped the gown over her head.
When she was dressed, he resumed his talking. The curtains were drawn tightly, but Ellie knew a full moon shone. Why was he still human? “If you’re a werewolf also, why aren’t you changed?”
“Duggan is absorbing my change for me. He’s the alpha and very powerful. He thought you’d need a friend right now. It’s why he’s unable to completely change back to his human form and why I’m able to remain in mine. See, Ellie? He’s not so bad once you understand him.”
She would never understand him. Never. “Am I a prisoner here, Jonathan?”
“The world thinks you’re dead, too. It’s best if you keep it that way. Please don’t try to run, Ellie. There’s nowhere to go, and if you make it off the property, another pack may steal you to get at Duggan.”
“So the protective lick wasn’t as protective as previously declared?”
Jonathan sighed. “It protects you from those in alliance with Duggan. It shows you’re his property, his submissive. We’re all his submissives. He’s our alpha. Our leader. But werewolves are a violent breed. There will always be someone who tries to take Duggan out. Those with a death wish may take his property if it’s left wandering around.”
“What difference would it make to me if I’m here or there?” she asked bitterly. “I’d be a prisoner in any house.”
“Don’t be foolish,” he chided. “You don’t understand Duggan’s mercy. Any other alpha would have raped you by now. Especially in his pelt. It’s ingrained with us, our animal instincts are stronger then. We can’t help it. Yet Duggan has refrained and merely marked you for protection. He’s taken the change for me so you can have a friendly face nearby. You’re just seeing the harsh side of him but you have no idea, Ellie. No idea of what other wolves may be capable of.”
His no-nonsense words put the chill back into her. She stared unwaveringly.
Jonathan hugged her to him suddenly, and Ellie clung. She squeezed him tightly, werewolf or not, it was still Jonathan. And she needed him, craved his touch.
Of course, she might have felt differently if he were in fur.
Jonathan pulled away. “Come on. Let’s go find some dinner. Duggan and everyone in their change will be out hunting. Let’s raid the kitchen.”
Downstairs in the kitchen, they made sandwiches side by side, an unspoken truce between them. Jonathan casually asked her what her plans were for tomorrow.
“Am I allowed to come and go then?”
“You can’t leave the house, Ellie. You can do anything you want inside. Duggan has a theater downstairs. And when you prove you won’t run, he’ll probably let you outside where we can swim.”
“So what am I, Jonathan? A pampered prisoner? Sex slave? Will he rape me tomorrow?”
Jonathan looked shocked. “Rape? You never need to fear rape in this house, Ellie. Never. No, you’ll be a very pampered prisoner until you begin to see how much you’ll love it here. When you realize how much better your life is, you’ll come and go as you please.”
They finished eating in silence and Jonathan walked her back up to her room. “Sleep tight, Ellie. I’ll be here tomorrow. You’ll get used to living here. I promise.”
She smiled weakly. She had no choice. She entered the same room she had woken in and worked for a while unknotting the rope from the headboard. Finishing, she dropped it into the trash. She turned down the bed, noting the expensive fabrics. The bed was luxurious. She yawned. She would tuck in for the night. But first, she very carefully locked the bedroom door. Climbing into the huge bed, she closed her eyes and wondered if she’d be able to sleep. It was her last thought.
She was in a deep, thick sleep that was awakened by a warm, hard body pressing against her. She froze, and so did the muscular body wrapped around her.
“What’s this?” Duggan growled.
Before she could say anything, he ripped the gown from her body.
“We sleep skin to skin, Ellie. The gown is for you to wear during the day. You’ll get real clothes when I can trust you.”
She never answered. He pulled her back to him with a tightly muscled arm, spooning her. She held very still, aware of where her buttocks were pressed. His arm was directly underneath her breasts. He could reach up and cup one in his hands. But soon Duggan was asleep, slow steady breaths, while she lay awake for a long time.
The room was bright with the morning light but still she came awake slowly, to a mirrored set of green eyes, watching her every move. Duggan was human again and facing her in the bed. She looked to the door, checking the lock. It was still engaged.
She glanced down at their naked, entwined bodies and yelped. She grabbed for the silk sheet, pulling it up over her breasts.
Duggan chuckled. “It’s a little late for modesty. Do you want another nightgown?”
“Yes, please.”
“Very good, Ellie mine. You can have it, if I can have something from you.”
She watched him warily. “What do you want?”
He chuckled again. “A kiss. Just one little kiss. Like before.”
She glanced at him. His cheeks and chin were dark with unshaven stubble, his lips curved sensually. Those green eyes, so like her own, sparkled in the morning light. He was beautiful in this form. Absolutely as beautiful as she remembered from their previous encounter. Could she forget for just a moment that he was also a monster?
Ellie closed her eyes and pressed a quick peck to his lips. She yanked back and watched him expectantly.
“You got away with that one, certainly. But should we bargain again, you make it a real kiss. Slip me some tongue, or it’s no deal. You’ll walk the house naked.”
Duggan slipped out of bed and picked up another nightgown draped over the side of a chair. It was different, a pale silky green. He seemed unconcerned with his own nakedness but then he had nothing to be concerned about.
Demonic Passions
Book 1 in the Wanton Sins series.
Keara Knight is the offspring of a human mother and demon father. Caught between two worlds, she's forced to live as an orphan among demons. Powers within her grow, causing her own banishment as a teenager. To the hell dimension known as Earth.
Bitter after falling in love with a treacherous human, she develops the ability to make men fall in love with her to the point of madness. This attracts the attentions of Enishka, the demon lord. Now she's being tested to find which species takes precedence, for to be proven completely demon makes her eligible to be his bride.
Sexy Caleb Van Trump won't allow her demon side to overrule and tip the balance between good and evil. He'll awaken unknown passions and emotions in the half-breed to prove her human goodness. But can the naughty little demon find heaven in the arms of a human now that she knows how evil those creatures
can be?
Demonic Pleasures
Book 2 in the Wanton Sins series.
Demonic Pleasures follows Demonic Passions but can be read as a standalone story.
Natalya Hershkle had been appointed ruler of Luciefyiore. But a girl makes one teensy blunder and the whole ungrateful dimension turns on her. Her punishment is to be banished to Hell on Earth until she can rectify the mistake. By causing true love. Unfortunately, she's no cupid. Humans are uncooperative, stupid creatures.
Until she meets Jere Rousseau. Even though she wants the sexy man for herself, she's here to learn how to be unselfish. A martyr to the end, she continually tries to fix his stormy relationship with his human fiancée. But a horny little demon only has so much willpower around the temptation of such a highly sensual man...who emits pheromones like nobody's business. A man with ripped abs. Massive biceps. Beautiful muscular thighs.
And a mighty fine, tight little ass.
Demonic Power
Book 3 in the Wanton Sins series.
Demonic Power follows Demonic Pleasures but can be read as a standalone story.
Holly Dewan has been to Hell. Not only was she kidnapped and carried through dimensions into a strange land called Luciefyiore, she’s told she’s a breed of demon with a rare power, the ability to trigger lust. The man who captured her is large and tight and sexy, with biceps the size of mountains. Eyes of green with horns to match. Temptation has never been sweeter.
Ace is a bounty hunter with one mission, to bring the demoness home. But the woman has tempted him with her lush curves and long, honey-brown hair. Her lips are full, her eyes a mysterious mix of sultry innocence. And he knows just how to trigger her wave of power—a blazing trail licked right down to her core.