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Baby Butterfly Kisses (Purple People Book 3) Page 8
Baby Butterfly Kisses (Purple People Book 3) Read online
Page 8
Instead, she hurried around the ship, heading into the wooded area. A nest of birds fluttered away as she approached, and walked along the small dirt trail. The gurgling of the Bubbled Waterfalls was up ahead. If she wanted small ones one day, she would know to trick Rojan into taking her there.
Or she could simply suck on cucumbers.
Jannie’s house came into view. The front door was open, though Jannie was nowhere in sight. She took a deep breath before she knocked. Hopefully Jannie wasn’t steam-vaging.
“Knock, knock,” she called out through the screen door. “Are you busy?”
“No, dearie, come on in.”
“I was hoping you’d be up for lesson three? We’ve studied one and two.” She refrained from mentioning she still didn’t know squat about either.
“Of course. “
Jannie’s voice sounded funny, coming from the sofa the way it did. Well, land sakes, that was why. The woman was sitting on the sofa upside down, with her head on the floor, her back spread over the seat portion and her feet up on the back of it.
She knew she shouldn’t ask. She knew it. But she couldn’t help it. “Jannie, what are you doing now?”
Jannie winked, which looked odd considering all the blood had gathered in her face. “Chautles and I just did a little baby making. Right here on the living room sofa. So I thought, what better place to help his little swimmers along to find my egg than right here? It’s like salmon. They always go home to reproduce.”
Swimmers? She had no idea what hanging upside down had to do with swimmers. And she had no idea what a salmon was. But this seemed like it would be another odd day, so perhaps she should forego the sex lesson. “I can come back later,” she said, backing slowly out of the room.
“No! Sit,” Jannie barked. “The mysterious Jannie of Arc has come up with something.”
Joy quickly sat. Eww. The sofa felt warmed. Did they have sweaty alien sex in this spot? Humans and Freijians combined were a strange lot. Inconspicuously, she moved over to the chair to sit. Much better. The seat of the chair was cool to touch.
“When I met Rojan, I told him I was experienced. He seemed to like that. Now however, he has made sure to tell me that he can’t offer me anything but a magical time while he is here. I’ve let him know that is what I want, too. Not Mr. Right, but Mr. Right Now. But I’m afraid he may be getting attached now—”
“Mr. Magical Time, huh? Well, now it makes sense,” Jannie said.
“What does?”
“Chautles told me Echo Nine was worried about catching STDs. Because they think you’ve been deflowered.”
“Deflowered? STDs? What is that?”
“Deflowered is when a girl loses her virginity. Her orchid loses a flower. A sexually transmitted disease is…well, they think you gals are loosy goosy.”
Joy stared at her, not understanding.
“Like you’ve taken on a few football teams in your life.”
Joy continued looking at her with a blank stare.
“If you’re sexually active, it increases your chances to catch something if you’ve experienced quite a few men…”
“Catch something? Like a bug?”
“Um, yes. Bugs in your bush. Or a disease.”
“I shall shave mine completely off immediately,” Joy said, horrified. “I will instruct my sisters of today’s valuable lesson.” She leaned in. “Jannie, do you think we already have a disease?”
Jannie smiled, which looked terrifying upside down.
Joy gulped. She knew she wasn’t going to like the answer.
* * * * *
“Jo!” She turned to see Rojan coming toward her from the path in the woods.
“You should have come gotten me,” he said. “You know it’s dangerous to walk the streets alone.”
“I thought about it,” she admitted shyly. “But I didn’t want to bother you.”
“What bother could you possibly be? I already told you how I felt about you.”
They walked in a companionable silence for a moment.
“I’d like to have you over for dinner,” he said. “My quarters.”
She stopped walking and turned to him. This was a do or die moment. No matter what the girls said, this was her chance. She could seduce him and hope he didn’t kill her when he found out who and what she was.
Or she could go back to being a frightened little virgin that the Quakers would come for.
And if she was going, she was going with a bang. “I’d love to,” she said.
His lips turned up, exposing deep lines on the sides of his lean cheeks. “I’ll pick you up tonight.”
“I’m very excited.”
It was true. Strange things were flitting about in her midsection…and trying to fly deeper. As if they were exploring the sacred area between her thighs. The area where Rojan’s enormous bulge had been pressed. Dear Goddess, just the thought of his bulge pressing against her secret spot made the most uncanny feeling erupt…like moisture slicking at the sacred area.
She licked her lips.
“Josie, you are the most beautiful female I have ever come across,” he said.
This time, she didn’t even notice that he called her Josie. No, somehow, somewhere, she had come to accept herself as Josie.
“You are the most handsome Freijian I’ve ever met,” she said honestly.
“Do you still want me?” He asked hoarsely.
“Every day.”
His head lowered. This time, she knew enough to turn her head up. His eyes closed, masking the beautiful blue color, and hers followed.
Doh! This kiss occurred naturally…and she realized his eyelids had fluttered shut. How could she not have noticed during the first kiss that she’d kept hers fully open? Had he opened his to peek and saw her eyes wide and crossed? How truly embarrassing to be a virginal Puritan.
He didn’t have to work at opening her mouth this time. She knew what to expect. No, this time she opened first and her tongue snaked into his mouth. He seemed more excited at her lead, and pulled her closer to him.
Did she dare touch him? Right now her arms locked of their own accord around his neck. She trailed one hand down his chest. Oooh, so hard. The firm pectoral muscles quivered underneath her exploring touch. She took her hand lower than she ever dared…and rubbed the bulge below his belt.
He pulled his mouth from hers to mutter, “Sweet Goddess,” in a strangled voice.
The bulge hardened further, and a heady excitement pulsed in the air. She could lose her virginity right here, right now. All she had to do was release his bulging cock from his pants and blow on it. Lesson number two.
Her clumsy fingers became deft as they maneuvered the buttons at his waist. Then a dilemma occurred. Should she tug the tight material of his uniform down? Or should she delve in after the snake and pull it out? She was going for the latter, because she imagined it was probably more than eager to be freed and would practically jump into her palm.
The waistband of his pants opened and she felt the hot, hair-roughened trail along his abdomen. Ooh, that was to-die-for sexy. Tiny hairs tickled her fingertips as she dove down…she almost jumped as she felt his fleshy manhood. It was curled, but hard. Just like she’d imagine a snake would lie.
And it obviously felt good for him. He groaned. Groaned! She had magical powers over this man.
She pulled it out suddenly, and curled her whole palm around it. Then she broke from the kiss so she could look at it.
Stars and galaxies, it was beautiful. A deeper silver tone, and lined with the most beautiful, elegant veins, it practically throbbed for her touch. It was heated like an oven and the thought of that heat rubbing against her pulled an answering warmth from deep inside her.
“Jo…baby,” he gasped.
Baby! Scratch endearment from an admirer off the bucket list. She was on a roll.
She tore her gaze away from his beautiful eyes and focused on the cock in her hand. It also had an eye, centered right in the middle
of the large, head-like protrusion on the end. As she stared at it, it seemed to wink. It did, it opened and closed in a snake-like wink! What a remarkable creature.
She opened her mouth to mimic its movement and the eye shed a tear. It wept for her. A tiny, pearl of liquid gathered and she used her thumb to brush it away.
“Jo.” Rojan sounded strangled.
This was it. She couldn’t wait any longer to break her virginity. She stooped down slightly and blew heated breath across his cock. There. It was done. She was a true human woman now.
“What the?! Oh, my!” A feminine voice shrieked.
“Marcie, my dove. Shield Lily’s eyes!” Bajoc’s voice shrilled.
Chapter Nine
She jumped back from the sinful—if happy—cock guiltily as Rojan scrambled to stuff it back into his pants. And then Bajoc and Rojan were off to the side, whispering and gesturing wildly, while she was stuck staring at a mortified Marcie.
“Sorry,” Marcie mumbled. “We were just going for a walk and heard moaning. We thought someone needed help…”
“I lost my virginity.” Joy leaned in to whisper excitedly. She wanted so badly to tell someone, she didn’t even care about the embarrassing situation of getting caught in the act.
“You did what? When?” Marcie looked baffled.
“I have been deflowered. Just now. You saw us.”
“Sweetie, how could you lose your virginity when you’re still clothed?”
Now Joy felt as baffled as Marcie looked. “Oh, is that a requirement? I didn’t know.”
“Honey, did Jannie explain how you lose your virginity?”
“Yes. To think of it as bubblegum. Except it’s not pink. And to blow on it.”
“I’m not sure what that means…but obviously something got lost in translation. Because trust me, you are still a virgin.”
“I am?” Joy was aware her voice sounded crestfallen.
“Definitely. Remember, you have to both be naked to lose your virginity. Look, I think you better head to Jannie’s and sneak in another lesson…”
“Oh, I just got one,” Joy assured her. “I hadn’t even thought of it, so distracted I was by Rojan. In fact, I was on my way home to relay it to my sisters…”
“Good, good,” Marcie said, relieved. “Focus on that.”
Suddenly Bajoc and Rojan were there, and Joy wasn’t sure which one looked more embarrassed. Neither warrior would meet her eye.
“Joy..sie.” Bajoc cleared his throat. “Are you alright, Jo? I was just explaining to Rojan that outside in plain daylight is not a place to bring such a delicate female and expose her to the elements…”
Marcie laughed. “Bajoc, who are you trying to fool? You and I were caught by the Supreme Commander and Pariah in an even further state of undress than Rojan and Josie were.”
Bajoc squirmed as Rojan’s eyes narrowed on his friend. “Do tell,” Rojan said, through tight lips.
“It was a very compromising situation. Nothing was left to the imagination. In fact, I seem to recall Pariah fainted at the sight. So you two have nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust me, been there, did that. And did it worse. Now, come along, husband. Let’s finish our walk so these two can get on their way.”
She pulled the larger man along as he grumbled in the distance, his voice growing fainter. “Marcie, did you have to tell I was completely naked? I was trying to make a point to Rojan…”
Rojan, on the other hand, still looked grim. His beautiful lips were pressed into a grim line. “Jo, I’m sorry. I keep screwing up around you. I won’t embarrass you further.” Without another word, Rojan stalked off.
Did he seriously just walk away?
“Rojan?” She called out after him. “Where are you going?”
“I’ll watch from a distance to make sure you get home safely. But until I pick you up later for our date, I’ll stay out of the way. I won’t compromise you further.” He stalked off without giving her another word.
Great God of the Turgid Man-sword. Did he know she was so bumbling in her sexual education that she’d mistakenly thought she’d lost her virginity by blowing on his cock? She clenched her eyes in humiliation. The damp area between her thighs was a shameful reminder of the unfinished business between them.
She refused to let loose a sob though. No, he would hear that. She would be a brave little human and hold it in. That’s what humans would do.
She had no idea how she managed to stumble the rest of the way home. She practically ran the last few feet and burst into her front door.
“Sisters!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
The pattering of feet echoed down the wooden hallways as they approached from all sides of the house in the stiletto heels they liked to wear indoors.
“What?” Tris asked.
“What is it?” Virginia asked.
“Oh, stars, is it time for our sex lesson?” Molli screeched suddenly. “Shall I pop some corn?”
“No! This was a horrible one. Where is Pariah?”
“She’s out. She needs to meet with the Helian Six crew over some information she found out about the Quakers and their hunt for us. Then she’s going to jump aboard the shuttle on her own private mission that she couldn’t tell us about. It all sounds very mysterious. I should like to be a spy like her one day,” Tris said, her tone reverent. “Nursing may be out.”
“Dammit,” Joy gritted out. Of all days! She hadn’t yet discussed as much as she wanted to with Pariah. One of her twits of a sister was always about listening in. She had no idea Pariah would be leaving so soon.
All three sisters stared in shock at the curse that fell from her lips.
“Are you sure it’s not the lunacy legacy beginning? Like that which befell Wilma?” Virginia mouthed the words from one corner of her lips, as if Joy couldn’t hear what she was saying.
Joy gritted her teeth. “Pariah told you. Just because I’m willing to embrace my womanhood and become a slut does not mean I’ve gone crazy.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot,” Virginia said.
“Please,” Molli interrupted. “Do go on with the sex lesson.”
“Well, I learned a new one, and somehow debunked the last one,” Joy said.
“Whatever do you mean?”
“Lesson three is sexual disease. Wanton women increase their likelihood of catching a disease of the lady parts.”
“What are the symptoms of such disease?” Tris asked, reaching for the little white hat one of the humans had assured them nurses wore. She plopped it on her head, as if she already forgot she no longer wanted to become a nurse.
“Bugs?” Virginia’s eyes were huge. Slyly, she inched her hand toward her lady parts and began scratching.
“Virginia of Wails! You do not have the bugs disease, do you?”
“I think so! I itch suddenly…”
“Have you allowed a man between your legs?” Tris asked, mouth agape.
“M-maybe! Just his fingers, and perhaps a tongue.”
“A tongue!” All the sisters screeched in unison.
Joy swore again. Dammit, this was turning into a lousy day. After they called her a slut, turned out Virginia the Vamp had a man’s tongue on her virginal bits.
“H-He’d said he’d n-never,” she hiccupped. “So I allowed him just a taste. I had to pretend to be worldly, right? Isn’t that what we agreed we’d do? Only it felt so good, I’m afraid I allowed it to last a bit longer than it should have.”
Second base. Joy felt the exhilaration of hitting first base wan in comparison.
“Well, never fear,” Joy said, swallowing her envy enough to be the better person. The nerve! Two of these tramps had called her a slut and were barely even chastised by Mother Pariah. With the Madonna’s newfound ways, she had just gently reminded them to be supportive of their sister. It simply wasn’t fair. “I have the cure.”
“You do?” Tris leaned in eagerly. “What is it?”
“We must shave our f
orests clean.”
Virginia turned to Tris. “I’ll do you, then you can do me…”
“I’m not touching yours with a ten foot pole,” Tris informed her haughtily. “Not with those disgusting bugs.”
The three of them broke out into chattering quarrels before Joy interrupted. “I don’t have a lot of time, ladies. I need to have a bath before my date with Rojan later tonight.” And she had her own lady parts to smooth out. “Did you want to hear about me debunking the second lesson or not?”
“Which one was that?” Tris whispered to Molli, keeping wary eyes on Joy as if she had indeed gone insane.
“Lesson two. Blow the cock like bubblegum,” Molli whispered back.
“Oh, yes. Please do go on.”
“Well, I just blew Rojan’s.”
“You did? Congratulations!” Molli said. “I must say. You don’t look any different.”
“No, but we already looked human to begin with,” Virginia reminded her. “It’s why we’re pretending.”
Joy so didn’t have time for this. “I’m still a virgin,” she cut in.
Finally, the twits stopped talking.
“How does one know?” Tris asked.
“Fortunately for me, we were caught in the act by Bajoc and Marcie.”
“Heavens!” Virginia crossed herself, and the other two sisters immediately followed.
“Marcie pulled me aside and assured me that you must be naked to lose your virginity. Clearly, I was not. The only body part that was indeed naked was Rojan’s cock.” She was rather proud of the way the word rolled off her tongue.
All three sisters stared.
“Which means,” she concluded the lesson. “That a blow-job does not necessarily entitle that one loses their virginity. I suppose more lessons are in order.”
“But you can’t get a lesson before your date tonight.”
“No. But I can go down first thing tomorrow morning for another. And just enjoy tonight, hoping that it happens. For all I know, we could do something tonight and I’ll learn during tomorrow morning’s lesson that it was a virginity breaker. We shall see.”
“So mote it be,” the three added.
“I do hope Rojan shows,” Joy said. “He was mortified with himself for getting us caught by prying eyes.”